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  • Writer's pictureChelsea Pearson

Welcome Farm Friends

Thank you for joining us this growing season. We’re nearing what was to be our first CSA pick up date, however we’re going to delay one week to give a few things time to catch up in growth. That means our first pick up is Friday, July 8th. The start of our season hit us with too much rain to get into the field to plant, then intense winds that didn't allow for us to lay down our weed cloth and our big project of building our high tunnel hoop house. We were late to get some items in the ground like we normally would. We suffered loss of plants from hail damage and seed wash out from severe rains and had to replant many items. The challenges we faced will cause some delay in production but vegetable shares will balance out. Before long you’ll see more variety and be eating the bounty of summer! We’ll continue to try our best, working along with Mother Nature and all that she gives us.

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